Lawyer: Unlock Your Full Potential and Achieve Personal Freedom

Are you a Senior Lawyer standing at a crossroads in your career? As a Partner in a high-pressure law firm or a General Counsel in a complex corporate environment, do you feel the constant demand to perform? Do your personal values sometimes clash with the expectations of colleagues, clients, and leadership? Or, perhaps according to those around you, you should feel satisfied with your position, yet there’s a persistent, nagging sense of unrest? With nearly 25 years of experience as a coach for senior legal professionals, I guide senior lawyers like you through these critical moments. I provide a transformative space where we work together to redefine your goals, aligning your personal values with your professional ambitions. By finding this balance, my clients achieve greater confidence, fulfillment, health, and success, excelling in their unique strengths. If you feel like you’re at a crossroads and are ready to take the next step—both personally and professionally—I’m here to help you move forward with renewed energy and clarity.

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With nearly 25 years of experience, I am the go-to Online Coach for senior lawyers. I provide a transformative space for seasoned professionals to tackle career and personal challenges. Many of my coachees are at a crossroads, seeking guidance to navigate pivotal moments. By enabling clients to align their personal goals with their career aspirations, they achieve significant increases in happiness, confidence, health, and goal fulfillment, excelling in their unique abilities.

25 years experience

I bring 25 years of experience in coaching and guiding legal professionals. My extensive knowledge and expertise in the legal industry provide clients with effective strategies for navigating challenges in the legal field.

Guided 1000+ lawyers

With over 25 years of experience guiding more than 1,000 legal professionals, I’ve refined my skills and expertise in the legal industry. This extensive knowledge and deep understanding of the unique challenges lawyers face have allowed me to develop effective strategies to support my clients. My experience in coaching and mentoring legal professionals is a valuable asset for anyone seeking guidance and support in navigating their career.

Welcome to Friso van Deursen, The Online Coach for Lawyers

My proven methods will empower you to:

  • Gain clarity on your personal values and align them with your legal career.
  • Break free from the approval-seeking cycle and embrace your authentic self.
  • Manage fears and anxieties, leading to improved mental and physical health.
  • Rebuild meaningful connections with loved ones.
  • Regain autonomy over your personal time and priorities.


Discover how you can flourish both as an attorney and as an individual. It's time to unlock your full potential and create a life that truly reflects your values.

Are you ready to embark on this journey? Take the first step now by filling out the contact form below. I will be in touch with you shortly to get started!

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Manage fears and anxieties

Manage fears and anxieties

In the legal world, high demands often lead to intense fears and stress, impacting your mental and physical well-being. This can disrupt sleep, limit social interactions, strain relationships, and reduce control over personal time.

Fortunately, there's a way forward. You can conquer these fears, separate self-worth from your professional path, and achieve personal freedom, well-being, and confidence.

Together we explore the journey to balance and inner peace. Discover strategies for regaining control over your life, both personally and professionally. It's time to pursue harmony, well-being, and self-discovery.

Time Management

Time Management


As a lawyer, it's common to demand an extraordinary amount of your time and energy. It can feel like your personal life takes a backseat, leaving you with minimal control over your own time and priorities.Let’s reclaim that control! Your life should be about more than just work.

We’ll delve into strategies and techniques that will empower you to regain autonomy over your personal time and priorities. You'll learn how to set boundaries, manage your schedule efficiently, and make time for the things that truly matter to you outside of the courtroom or office.

Discover how finding this balance can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable legal career. By taking charge of your personal time and priorities, you'll not only enhance your well-being but also excel in your professional life.

Take the important steps toward a more balanced and rewarding lifestyle. It's time to regain control over your time and make space for what brings you joy and fulfillment.

Rebuilding Meaningful Connections

Rebuilding Meaningful Connections

In the fast-paced world of law, it's easy to let the demands of your career take precedence over your personal life. As you strive for success, you may find that your relationships with loved ones have been strained or neglected.

Friso can help you restore and strengthen those vital connections. It's a reminder that your journey to professional achievement doesn't have to come at the expense of your personal relationships.

We'll explore practical strategies to rebuild meaningful connections with your family and friends. You'll learn how to strike a balance that allows you to excel in your legal career while nurturing the bonds that matter most.

Discover how open communication, quality time, and understanding can rekindle the warmth and support of your personal relationships. Reconnecting with loved ones not only enriches your life but also fuels your success in the legal field.

Begin the journey towards rekindling those cherished connections that are at the heart of a fulfilling life.

Scaling Your Legal Practice: Strategies for Sustainable Growth

Scaling Your Legal Practice: Strategies for Sustainable Growth

In the competitive arena of law, building a successful practice is an ongoing challenge. Growth requires not just exceptional legal acumen but also keen business insight.

I provide guidance to manage the expansion of your legal practice effectively and sustainably. I believe that growth should be measured not only in terms of revenue and client base but also in the quality of service and client satisfaction.

Together, we will scrutinize and refine the foundations of your practice where necessary. From marketing to client management, from automation to networking—every aspect will be examined to maximize your potential for growth.

You will learn how to enhance and differentiate your unique value proposition in the legal market. With personalized growth strategies and tools, you can not only attract new clients but also deepen existing relationships and increase client loyalty.

Prepare to elevate your practice to the next level, maintaining a balance between a growing client portfolio and the high standard of service that defines your practice.


Friso van Deursen, The Online Career Coach for Lawyers


Contact Friso van Deursen for professional career coaching and advice tailored to lawyers. Friso has over 25 years of experience in the legal field and can help you achieve personal freedom, well-being, and increase self-confidence. And pursue your goals and develop your unique talents, ultimately resulting in a state of flourishing.

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About Friso

Friso van Deursen, The Online Coach for Lawyers. Friso is a highly experienced and successful career coach who specializes in helping lawyers navigate their professional lives. He is passionate about helping lawyers reach their full potential and achieve their professional goals. Friso provides personalized coaching services that are specifically tailored to the individual needs of each lawyer. Through his coaching, he helps lawyers to achieve personal freedom, well-being, and increase self-confidence. And pursue their goals and develop their unique talents, ultimately resulting in a state of flourishing.

Join my newsletter and receive:

- Practical advice on managing stress and pressure in the legal profession
- Personal growth and development strategies tailored for senior lawyers
- Access to free tools and event invitations

Enter your email below to stay informed.

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